Wednesday, May 30, 2018

3rd Rail Politics: 5 Reasons Why Ryan Smith Isn't Speaker

The latest from 3rd Rail Politics:

Ryan Smith can hold daily news conferencesmake wild accusations of bullying and extortion, and claim to have as many votes as he wants, but those are not the reasons why he is not Speaker of the Ohio House of Representatives today.  In the simplest terms, and in the most convenient definitions, Ryan Smith, himself, is the problem.  

Let 3rd Rail Politics break it down for you:

     1. The Hastert Rule has always been the rule for the Ohio House GOP.  

Except for the two-year period between 2009 and 2011, Republicans have held a majority in the Ohio House since 1995.  In all of those years that they have held the majority, House Republicans have generally followed a version of what is now known as the Hastert Rule.  It means that before the Speaker of the House will put a measure on the floor for a vote it must have the support of at least 50 Ohio House Republicans.  

Ryan Smith was a senior at OSU in 1995 and it's certainly understandable that he didn’t understand this process back then.  Kirk Schuring, however, was here in 1995, and is simply following the rule that has always been in place. He hasn’t changed the rules as they have gone on, Ryan Smith simply has not educated himself about the process.  Ryan Smith owes it to himself and the institution he wants to lead to do so now.

Read the rest of the article here.  

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Payday Lenders Threatened by Ohio House GOP Leadership

In a blockbuster of a story published today, the Cleveland Plain Dealer lays out the threats and intimidation that were employed against some in the payday lending industry by House GOP leaders. 

The full article can be found here.  

The letter from the Ohio Consumers Lending Association can be found here.  

What you may not be aware of is that 3rd Rail Politics wrote about this important issue nearly 3 weeks ago.  We laid out some of the threats and provided background on some of the key players involved.  Go check out our article too.  Thank you.

The full 3rd Rail Politics article can be found here.  

Monday, May 21, 2018

3rd Rail Politics News Alert - Added Session is Illegal

Ohio Speaker Candidate Ryan Smith Is All Hat and No Cattle
Adding Session Day is Illegal and He Doesn’t Have 50 Votes

You would think with all the smart lawyers running around the Ohio House GOP that they would actually have someone that has read the house rules.  Case in point, see rule 1.

Rule 1. (Time of sessions; schedule.) (a) For the months of January through June in each year, and separately for the months of July through December in each year, the Speaker, at the beginning of each six-month period, shall establish a schedule of dates and times according to which the House shall hold sessions and at which roll call votes are taken. The Speaker may revise or supplement the schedule as necessary. The schedule and any revision or supplement thereto shall be published and a copy provided to each member.

(b) Sessions of the House at which roll call votes are taken shall be held on the dates and at the times prescribed in the schedule. The Speaker, by written notice transmitted to each member, may cancel a session required by the schedule.

Last week Ryan Smith forces announced that the next vote for Speaker would be held on Wednesday, May 23, 2018.  Why?  Because Speaker Rosenberger had set that date for a session before he resigned. 
Read the rest of the article here.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

3rd Rail Politics News Flash: The Worst Session of the Ohio House in History


News Flash: The Worst Session of the Ohio House in History
A Timeline of Arrogance, Corruption, & Immaturity

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Ohio State Auditor David Yost Doesn't Understand How Private Businesses Work

ICYMI, here's my latest article for 3rd Rail Politics:

In a series of demandsnews releases, and now a draft finding for recovery, State Auditor David Yost has indignantly opined that online school ECOT had no right to use public money on television ads that criticized the Ohio Department of Education.  The problem, however is that while all of this makes for a flashy headline for the constantly headline seeking Yost, ECOT didn’t write a check nor did Altair Learning Management or IQ Innovations. In fact, NO public money was utilized. Period.

None of the parties involved were ECOT employees (or agents of ECOT for that matter) and no ECOT employees or monies could be directly linked to the advertisement. In fact, the only link the auditor could muster was that the entity that paid for the advertisement had provided services to ECOT in the past.

That’s a weak link to ascertain. A private business is a private business whether or not some of its clients are public entities. Doing business with the government does not mean you have to turn over your entire business’s record and all its spending. (Just ask Governor Kasich about that with JobsOhio.) Nor does it mean that because you spend money to protect your client (your business interests) that the money was somehow “funneled.” If there was a check cut from ECOT to a business for the exact amount and for the specific reason (i.e. “advertisement”) in question, that would be one thing. But no such transaction exists.

Read the rest of the article here.

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Ohio House Candidate John Plecnik Loses His Mind in Shaky Video Rant

This guy, John Plecnik, is alleging some kind of conspiracy to close a voting location in Willoughby Hills.

An Important Update from Scott Pullins

An important update from Scott Pullins As you may have heard already, I've recently signed on to do some writing for The Ohio Star . ...