Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Monday, September 25, 2017

This Isn't Your Daddy's Conservative Organization

Recently, the Ohio chapter of the Christian Coalition has reactivated. They have apparently hired an energy director and are now advocating for extremist, left wing, environmentalist positions. 
 Unfortunately, this is no longer the Christian Coalition that we once knew. The Reverend Pat Robertson and Ralph Reed have long left the group and its fundraising has plummeted. 
 According to their most recent tax records , the Christian Coalition had annual revenues of $1,245,431.00. Based upon other tax returns, $505,700.00 of those revenues came from one source, the Energy Foundation. In other words, their most recent reports show that approximately 41% of their budget comes from a left wing foundation. All in all, between 2007 and 2014 the Christian Coalition took in a whopping $3.4 million from left wing groups and foundations.
 The Energy Foundation is also behind a new group in Ohio called the Ohio Conservative Energy Forum. It is led by Mike Hartley, a former top staffer for Governor John Kasich. Its lobbyists are William Byers, IV, and Greg Bennett. The Energy Foundation is also funding groups such as Young Conservatives for Energy Reform and the Conservative Energy Network. 
 But let’s be clear. These organizations are neither conservative, nor are they pro-energy. All of these groups are simply fronts for liberal, extremist, environmental foundations. By buying off organizations like the Christian Coalition or forming new ones with “conservative” in their names, they hope to fool you about their true intentions.
 But not everyone is being fooled. In fact, conservative organizations and publications are quickly catching on to this attempted Trojan Horse. In Florida, Americans for Prosperity has exposed efforts by left wing environmentalists to mandate the use of solar power. Even the venerable American Spectator has caught on to the actOthers are exposing the Young Conservatives for Energy Reform. 
 According to the Capital Research Center, the effort to coopt conservative groups on environmental issues has been going on for some time. A 2013 report states that the Christian Coalition infiltration began as early as 2010. 
 The left’s tentacles are deep and they do not give up easily. Just because a group uses “conservative” or “Christian” in their name, doesn’t mean that they are still conservative or Christian. As they say, follow the money. 

State Rep. McColley's Campaign for Speaker was a Fraud

Here's my latest for 3rd Rail Politics. 

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Article On Speaker's Race Coming Tomorrow

I'm told their will be a very interesting article on the Ohio Speaker's race tomorrow.  Make sure you go check it out at 3rd Rail Politics.  

An Important Update from Scott Pullins

An important update from Scott Pullins As you may have heard already, I've recently signed on to do some writing for The Ohio Star . ...